脊椎側彎大檢查 Scoliosis check up!
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature or rotation of the spine that occurs often during the growth spurt just before puberty. Statistics show that females are more likely than males to have scoliosis. The risk of worsening is higher if the bones are still growing. In addition, poor postures can put extra uneven stress on the spine, increasing the rate of spine malalignment. Parents should be aware of faulty postures or potential scoliosis signs of your child.
There are 6 key points that parents can follow
頭頸歪斜 Tilted head & neck
Head and neck tilting is related to the frequently used dominant hand, writing and typing posture. Tilted neck and head is commonly a compensation of thoracic spine scoliosis. If not treated properly, neck and upper back pain problems may evolve in adulthood.
高低肩 Uneven shoulder height
Similar to tilted head and neck, uneven shoulder height is highly correlated with thoracic spine scoliosis. Uneven sitting, writing and typing postures can put stress on the spine. In addition, carrying a schoolbag on only one side or shrugging shoulders frequently can lead to uneven shoulder height. If not supervised properly, spine curvature may increase.
上背突出 Upper back protrusion
In some cases, children may feel back unevenness while laying flat, with pressure on one side and hollowness on the other. Scapular or upper back protrusion may be noticed, with more evident during forward bending . Upper back protrusion is a result of thoracic spine scoliosis, followed by uneven muscle tone and strength with ribcage displacement. Therefore, core muscle and abdominal muscle weakness are common in this group.
脊椎僵直 Decreased spine mobility
Decreased spine or trunk flexibility is common in those with scoliosis. Decreased normal spinal curvature can be observed during forward bending of the trunk. Children may feel low back stiffness or have difficulty in completing stretching routines. Core muscle weakness, low back pain and pelvic girdle pain may evolve in adulthood.
骨盆歪斜 Uneven hips
Viewing from the back, parents can observe the height of both hips and curvature of the waist. There are many reasons for uneven hips. For example, crossing legs, sitting on one side and uneven standing. Therefore, faulty postures should be avoided at all times. Uneven hips is accompanied with pelvic and thigh muscle weakness, low back pain and leg length discrepancy.
長短腳 Leg length discrepancy
Children with leg length discrepancy (or uneven leg length) have a higher chance of having uneven hips. Knock knees (knees falling inward), flat feet and everted feet are signs of uneven leg length, which can be observed during quiet standing. If there are signs of leg malalignment, it is recommended that the child receive early treatment or correction to prevent later knee or ankle problems.
Scoliosis causes abnormal curvature of the spine in 3 dimensions. Lifestyle and postures during daily life varies from different individuals. Therefore, many aspects should be taken into account during spine correction. In order to receive the most suitable treatment, contact your doctor for further consultation and prescription.
Early diagnosis is key, if your child have abnormal postures mentioned above, be sure to arrange check up.
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