
Urinary incontinence, why and how (part 1)

杜婉瑜 Diane
5 min readSep 22, 2020


Pregnant women, postpartum moms and postmenopausal women may experience at least one urinary leakage in their life. In severe cases, urinary incontinence (UI) may lead to life inconvenience and affect their social life. This article tells you details of incontinence and the ways to improve it.

尿失禁的兩大分類 Types of urinary incontinence

應力性尿失禁 Stress urinary incontinence:


Urine leaks out with sudden forceful activities, like sneezing, laughing or coughing. This is due to sudden pressure on the bladder and urethra, causing the weakened pelvic floor muscles to open briefly.
Stress UI is a result of dysfunctional pelvic floor muscles and impaired pudendal nerve.

<左> 當骨盆底肌(紅色)的力量大於施加於膀胱的壓力(黑色箭頭)為正常。 <右> 若骨盆底肌無法抵抗施加膀胱的壓力,則容易漏尿。(Left) Normally, the sphincter muscle pressure overrides urethra pressure. (Right) When the sphincter is weak, it cannot maintain fully contracted during sudden pressure. Icons made by <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/authors/flat-icons" title=”Flat Icons”>Flat Icons</a> from <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/" title=”Flaticon”> www.flaticon.com</a>

急迫性尿失禁 Urge incontinence:


You may feel distention pain in your bladder and have a sudden urge to urinate. In urge incontinence, the urinary bladder contracts when it shouldn’t, causing urine leakage.
Urge incontinence is due to overactive bladder and dysautonomia.


You should know what type of incontinence you are before treatment!


This article focus on stress urinary incontinence!

應力性尿失禁的比例 The rate of stress UI


According to statistics, 1/3 postpartum moms have stress UI. The rate of stress UI increases through the numbers of labor. In addition, elderly women is prone to have weakened pelvic floor muscles, which increases the prevalence of stress UI.


Although the high prevalence rate of stress UI, there are few who seek for medical help. Some might believe that stress UI is a sign of aging and is irreversible. In fact, enhancing functions of your pelvic floor muscles is beneficial to improve urinary leakage.

骨盆底肌失能是尿失禁最大的因素 Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is the major reason to stress UI

There are several factors causing pelvic floor muscles weakness.

<左> 正常的狀況下,骨盆底肌支撐臟器。<右> 當骨盆底肌無力時,臟器會跟著下墜與移位。(Left) The pelvic floor muscles act as a support for organs. (Right) When the pelvic floor weakens, the organs may prolapse. Icons made by <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/authors/flat-icons" title=”Flat Icons”>Flat Icons</a> from <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/" title=”Flaticon”> www.flaticon.com</a> Icons made by <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/authors/vitaly-gorbachev" title=”Vitaly Gorbachev”>Vitaly Gorbachev</a> from <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/" title=”Flaticon”> www.flaticon.com</a>

- 懷孕賀爾蒙 Pregnancy hormones

Relaxin is mainly for releasing your muscles (including pelvic floor muscles), tendons and ligaments, during pregnancy to increase space for the fetus. The loosened pelvic floor muscles would decrease in ability to resist abdominal pressure during daily activities.

- 胎兒體重 Fetus weight

The weight of your baby gains rapidly in the third pregnancy trimester, putting more stress into your pelvic girdle. The lengthened pelvic floor muscles would then decrease support of the bladder and urethra, causing urinary leakage.

- 自然產 Vaginal birth

Women who give birth vaginally are slightly more likely to develop urinary incontinence afterward compared to women who have c-sections. During vaginal childbirth, the baby’s head distends and stretches the pelvic floor muscles, connective tissue, and nerves. In addition, the use of forceps and vacuum were found to be the risk factors associated with vaginal delivery.

- 生產次數

According to studies, the prevalence of stress UI in multiparous (>3 births) is 2.5 times higher than primiparous (single birth). This may be due to repeatedly stretching and damaging the pelvic floor muscles.

-肥胖 Obesity

BMI 介於25~29尿失禁的機率是2倍;
BMI 介於30~34尿失禁的機率是3倍;
BMI 介於35~39尿失禁的機率是4倍;
BMI >40者尿失禁的機率是5倍
Fatty tissues increase pressure in the abdominal area, increasing risk of stress UI. Compared with women with a BMI less than 25, BMI between 25–29 women have 2 times the chance to develop stress UI; BMI between 30–34 have 3 times the chance; BMI between 35–39 have 4times the chance and BMI 40 or above have 5 times the chance of incontinence.

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

- 更年期 Menopause

停經婦女或老年女性有高比例尿失禁患者。主要原因有二:1. 骨盆底肌力的衰退造成括約肌無法正常運作。2. 更年期後雌激素的減少使尿液阻力減少。這些都會使尿液容易溢出。
Stress incontinence is common during menopause or elder women. When intra-urethral pressure involuntarily falls below intra-vesicular pressure, urinary leakage may happen. The main reasons are: 1. weakened pelvic floor and sphincter muscles 2. inadequate estrogen.

可以改善的方式 Ways to improve stress UI

- 手術 Sling surgery


缺點:1. 為侵入性治療,需要照顧傷口。2. 懸吊角度不適合可能會演變成尿不出來的問題。3. 需要確定不再生孩子才做手術。

Sling surgery helps change the angle of urethra, decreasing the flow speed of urine.

PROS: It is an effective way to stop incontinence immediately.
CONS: 1. Sling surgery is an invasive treatment and wound care is needed. 2. Some may experience urinary retention. 3. It is suggested that the treatment be done when you are not expecting another child.

懸吊帶手術改變尿道的角度讓尿液不易漏出。Sling surgery changes the angle of urethra, decreasing flow speed. Icons made by <a href=”http://www.freepik.com/" title=”Freepik”>Freepik</a> from <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/" title=”Flaticon”> www.flaticon.com</a>

- 生物回饋電刺激 Electric biofeedback stimulation


優點:1. 可以增進骨盆底肌的自主收縮。2. 可清楚讓使用者了解骨盆底肌使力的力道大小與是否正確使力。
缺點:1. 需要在醫院進行治療,頻率頻繁,對於時間有限者較不適合。2. 剛開始需要花時間適應異物感。3. 需要時間才能改善漏尿。

Vaginal electrical stimulation is widely used in women who have incontinence. The device sends mild electric current to nerves in the lower back or the pelvic muscles that are involved in urination. The stimulator signals users to voluntary contract the sphincter along with electric current to effectively increase pelvic muscle control and strength.

PROS: 1. It can help increase voluntary muscle control of the sphincter. 2. Biofeedback system tells whether you have contract the pelvic floor muscles correctly.
CONS: 1. Treatment is usually done in the hospital/ clinic in Taiwan, which may be time-consuming. 2. It takes some time to adapt to vaginal electrical probe. 3. It needs time and patience to notice improvement.

<左> 生物電刺激儀。<中> 陰部電擊,置入產道進行電刺激。<右> 螢幕顯示骨盆底肌用力狀況的回饋,可達到學習的效果。(Left) Electric biofeedback device. (Middle) Intra-vaginal probe sends electric signals into the pelvic floor muscles. (Right) The monitor feedbacks the muscle power output during treatment.

-運動加強骨盆底肌 Pelvic floor muscle strengthening


優點:1. 可在居家自主運動,不受場地限制。2. 藉由運動提升自我對骨盆底肌的認識。
缺點:1. 訓練姿勢不完整會影響訓練效果。2. 需要高度的自主性。

Strengthening exercises help improve muscle strength and control of your pelvic floor. It can be done at home in various positions. “Kegel exercise” is known for improving incontinence.

PROS: 1. Exercise in not limited to specific places. 2. You can know better how your muscles function during exercise.
CONS: 1. There are certain steps to follow during exercise that may influence training effect. 2. Training plans should be followed strictly.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


There is always a suitable way to treat incontinence


Please contact your health provider for more information before deciding any way of treatment!



Be sure to stay tuned for the next part, which is going to be talking about exercise training for pelvic floor muscles!




杜婉瑜 Diane
杜婉瑜 Diane

Written by 杜婉瑜 Diane

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