懷孕期間腰痠痛!該如何是好?How to deal with pregnancy low back pain?


杜婉瑜 Diane
4 min readJun 7, 2020


Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash

Low back pain (LBP) is common during pregnancy. According to previous studies, the prevalence of low back pain is up to 50%, and half of these moms continue to suffer from back pain 1 year postpartum. LBP during pregnancy usually occurs in the second and third trimester. This article is to discuss about the etiology of pregnancy LBP and what exercises we can do to relieve it.

腰部痠痛原因 Etiologies of pregnancy LBP

賀爾蒙 Hormones

懷孕賀爾蒙 — 鬆弛素使全身關節韌帶與肌肉的鬆弛,使得腰椎周圍不穩定或肌肉失衡導致腰部酸痛。孕婦可能有的僵硬困擾,常常是因為關節韌帶太鬆弛而引發的肌肉僵硬。此賀爾蒙會在懷孕第三個月時達濃度高峰,直到產後濃度一直維持不變。因此大約懷孕三個月後腰痛的狀況會趨近明顯。適度的放鬆腰部肌肉可以達到症狀舒緩的效果,但由於鬆弛素的影響,在放鬆或拉筋時必須要注意不要伸展過頭以免受傷。

Relaxin, peak at the end of the first trimester and remain elevated till labor, loosen muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the whole body. The pelvic and spine would therefore be loose and unstable, causing unwanted shear force to your joints. Muscles in your low back may become stiff to help decrease spine instability. Massaging and slow stretches are great ways to relieve back pain.

胎兒的重量 The weight of the baby

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash


An enlarging gravid uterus gradually shifts the center of gravity anteriorly throughout the gestational weeks. This creates unwanted moment and loading on the lumbopelvic area, sacroiliac joints and ligaments. The incidence of LBP increases as more weight put on the uterus. In more severe situations, pregnant moms may feel numbness around the low back or lower limbs.

肌肉力量 Muscle weakness


Loss of abdominal (core) muscle tone and strength is common in pregnant women. This is due to increased size of the uterus that lengthens the muscles. Weak abdominal (core) muscles do not function normally, resulting increased strain and instability in the lumbopelvic area. If the abdominal (core) muscles are not controlled or tightened during exercise or daily activities, injuries may happen.


What should we do to prevent or decrease LBP?

運動改善腰痠 Exercises to relieve pain


LBP is a result of weak and unstable muscle, spine and pelvis, which can be improved by specific exercises. Muscle strengthening and mild low back stretching is useful to relieve pain.

骨盆後傾運動 Pelvic rotation exercise


Begin with hook lying with arms and neck relaxed, slightly draw in your belly and tighten your glutes to posterior rotate your pelvis. You may slightly feel a lift on your sacrum area. This exercise should be done in a gentle manner, keeping your breath flow as smooth as possible. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. This exercise can also be done in sitting position with back support.

骨盆後傾運動時,會感到腰部貼地,動作幅度不大(右圖)。You may feel your low back touching the mat during pelvis posterior rotation exercise. (Right)

腰部活動 Lumbar rotation exercise


Lie on your back with knees bent 90 degrees in the air, hands put aside you. Feel your low back flatten on the ground while your knees are in the air. Rock your pelvis side to side in a comfortable range without any movement in your shoulder and head. Try 10 times. If you feel strenuous lifting your knees, try this exercise in hook lying.

動作時,盡量保持頸部放鬆。Keep your head and neck relaxed during the exercise.

腰部伸展運動 Low back stretching exercise


Start with a quadruped position with your head inline with your body. Curl your chin toward your navel and arch your back. You may feel a slight stretch on the low back. Remain in an arched position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat for several times until the tightness is relieved. If you feel uncomfortable in your wist, try making a fist or elevate your palms.

執行運動時,保持手肘完全伸直。Make sure your elbows are straight during this exercise.

執行運動以前請與您的婦產科醫師確認是否可以運動。Be sure to acquire the doctor’s approval before exercising.


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Reference: Casagrande D, Gugala Z, Clark SM, Lindsey RW. Low Back Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2015 Sep;23(9):539–49. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-14–00248.




杜婉瑜 Diane
杜婉瑜 Diane

Written by 杜婉瑜 Diane

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