懷孕時我的身體會如何變化,運動會不會有風險?How does my body change during pregnancy?

賀爾蒙對孕媽咪的影響 Exercising around pregnancy hormones

杜婉瑜 Diane
10 min readMay 11, 2020




1. 腹部下墜感,重重的
2. 偶而打噴嚏或咳嗽漏尿
3. 大腿內側撕裂感
4. 腰部無力感
5. 平衡變差,易扭到腳
6. 手腕容易拉傷扭傷


執行手部撐地運動注意不要過度彎折腕關節(右圖)可以將手墊高,降低腕部壓力(左圖)To relieve pressure on your wrist, you can elevate your hands by using yoga bricks (Left)



1 .痔瘡
2. 胃食道逆流
3. 消化不良
4. 頭暈
5. 小腿腫脹
6. 靜脈曲張


可以將腿部抬高於心臟幫助小腿消腫 Elevate your legs to relieve swelling






You may feel great changes during pregnancy, such as, heaviness, easily tired, out of breath, body aching and feeling strenuous doing the simplest things in your daily life. Majority of the changes are because of pregnancy hormones and the increasing weight of the fetus. Understanding pregnancy hormones is crucial if you want to start or continue your exercise routine, to prevent any damage to your body.


Relaxin is for relaxing your joints, tendons and ligaments during pregnancy. It helps increase space in the pelvic area for a growing baby and to give birth smoothly through the vagina. It should be noted that relaxin effects the whole body, therefore the joints of your spine, arms and legs would be loose as well.

You may feel/ suffer from……
1. heaviness in your abdomen
2. urine leakage during sneezing and coughing
3. tightness or strain in your inner thigh
4. low back weakness
5. ankle instability
6. wrist instability

You may want to……
1. take the restroom before exercising.
2. be cautious of wrist injuries during hand-on-floor exercises, for example bird dog or cat camel exercises.
3. wear suitable footwear and beware of ankle sprains.
4. keep your back straight when lifting weights to decrease pressure on your spine.
5. be careful not to over-stretch your joints during stretching routines. You can replace stretching by massaging to the tight area. This hormone may last 6 months after labor, therefore be gentle with your joints, tendons and ligaments.

保持脊椎挺直可減少壓力或運動傷害(左圖)Keep your trunk straight during exercise to prevent injury (Left)


Progesterone influences your body circulation during pregnancy, you may suffer from hemorrhoids or feel dizzy from time to time. The hormone increase space in your blood vessels to increase blood capacity for you and the baby. However, venous return would decrease because of the increased vessel diameter, circulation would therefore slow down. Progesterone would also decrease activity in your digestive system, including the stomach and intestines.

You may feel/ suffer from ……
1. hemorrhoids
2. gastroesophageal reflux
3. indigestion
4. dizziness
5. calf pain or swelling
6. varicose veins

You may want to……
1. eat small snacks instead a whole meal before you exercise to prevent indigestion.
2. shuffle your feet or walk on-spot to maintain circulation during exercise breaks.
3. be cautious when during rapid up and down exercises, for example, burpees.
4. wear pressure socks to relieve calf ache.
5. massage or raise your legs decrease swelling. If you feel constant pain or notice color change in the calf area, contact your doctor right away. There might be issues like deep vein thrombosis which could be fatal.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

High HCG concentration causes morning sickness, which usually occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. Morning symptoms last differently because of individual variations.

You may want to……
1. consume water between exercise breaks to stay hydrated
2. snack before, during and after exercise to prevent low blood sugar, which could induce nausea.

運動前、中、後應適當補充水分 Drink a good amount of water before, during and after exercise

Be sure to understand thoroughly about pregnancy hormones, and acquire the doctor’s approval before exercising.


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杜婉瑜 Diane
杜婉瑜 Diane

Written by 杜婉瑜 Diane

醫骼運動物理治療所 創辦人 |桃園|脊椎矯正|產後運動|動作矯正專家NASM- CES

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