慢性疼痛不要只用筋膜槍 Massage is not the only way to release chronic pain
→ 這時候使用筋膜槍是很好的選擇。
→ 過了發炎腫脹期,可以使用筋膜槍放鬆拉傷與沾黏的肌肉。
→ 在適當的韌帶保護下,可以使用筋膜槍『放鬆拉傷韌帶以外的肌肉組織』。
I often hear my clients say: “I feel better after massage therapy, but it doesn’t last long.” or “I use massage gun to relieve my soreness whenever it gets worse, however, the pain is still there.” These tell us that the problem might not be from the muscle. Other solutions should be considered into therapy.
This article is to discuss why massage guns or massage therapy is not suitable for everyone, especially chronic pain patients.
Where does pain come from?
The first step is to find what causes pain; the following are some common examples:
Muscle and fascia tightness from activities
Tightness comes after “sudden” increasing of activities which do not happen everyday. For example: weekend athletes, whole house cleaning, moving or packing for a trip.
→ Massage is suitable for this situation.
Muscle strain
Muscle strains if there is a sudden force add on to your muscle which cannot maintain in the normal length. It is often seen in sport matches, lifting heavy weight and slipping accidents.
→ Massage can be used after inflammation phase for releasing scar tissues and tightness.
Ligament strain
When joints part during sudden external force or movement, ligaments are likely to be strained. For instance, ankle sprains and cruciate ligament strains.
→It is suitable to use massage guns to release muscle tissues around the injured ligament. It should be noted that ligament protection is important during massaging.
Faulty posture
***The Majority of people with chronic pain have posture problems***
Slouch sitting, crossing your legs and flat feet are examples of faulty posture. This may lead to muscle imbalance, tightness and stiffness.
→ Posture reeducation is recommended for this group of people.
Muscle compensation
Faulty posture can lead to muscle imbalance. Muscles may be lengthened and weak; some may be shortened and tight. The alterations of muscle tone is a muscle compensation, which can cause muscle pain and fatigue.
→ Instead of massaging tight muscles, we should first evaluate for any muscle compensations.
Joint compression
Some examples of joint compression are: disc herniation, bony spurs and joint degeneration. Uneven pressure to joints lead to bony deformation, which usually come from faulty postures. When fatigue (weak) muscles or other tissues no longer function as structural support, stress adds on to the bony structures.
→ Massage therapy has limited pain relieving effect on deformed joint (bone). Muscle strengthening around the joints is recommended.
Nerve compression
Carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, and thoracic outlet syndrome are common nerve compression diagnoses. It is also highly related to faulty postures and muscle compensation. You may feel numbness, pain and distending pain if the nervous tissues are compressed for a period of time.
→ To release nerve compression, posture reeducation is needed.
Some cases with severe osteoporosis may have a high risk of compression fracture, which is not always the first to be diagnosed. Therefore, it is important to rule out any bony (structural) changes or fracture before any other conservative treatment.
→ Massage to the fracture site is a contraindication.
Pain may exist in those with organ dysfunction, cysts or immune system problems. For example, pain refers to the left limb in patients with heart disease. This may lead to “misunderstanding” the problem source and delaying the right medical treatment. Therefore, if the pain does not improve after all kinds of treatment, blood work or whole-body check up is needed.
→ Seek for medical help early to prevent severe consequences.
To know what kind of pain you have, please seek your physician or physiotherapist for evaluation.
談談姿勢不良帶來的後果 Consequences of faulty posture
Faulty posture or asymmetrical posture habits lead to many problems, such as muscle compensation, muscle overuse, bony and nerve compression.
Tracing back to the earliest symptoms, some may recall:
“When I take pain killers, the pain will go away. However recently, there is nothing I can do to relieve it.”
“I have had some back issues during school age, but it got worse when I started working full time.”
“The pain seems to change places, sometimes here, and sometimes there.”
1. 時間拖得非常久。沒有完整的處理過或是找到適合的治療方式。
2. 中間歷經很多變化(肌肉用力的方式,避免疼痛的姿勢與動作),養成了現在的問題。
3. 症狀常常出現於長時間固定在某個姿勢。如久坐、久站、躺。
4. 按摩會有短暫的放鬆效果。There are somethings in common from these cases:
1. The problems are chronic and do not receive the right treatment.
2. Pain characteristic change over time due to posture compensations and muscle imbalance.
3. Symptoms aggravate during prolonged postures, eg, sitting, standing.
4. Massage slightly relives the pain for a short amount of time.
Prolonged faulty postures cause a vicious cycle to the body. (See the figure below)
The effect after massage therapy or modality therapy. (See the figure below)
The effect after posture correction and muscle reeducation. (See the figure below)
If you have pain symptoms over 3 months and trying to use massage guns, foam rollers are not helping, please seek medical help for a whole body check-up.
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