
凱格爾運動到底有沒有效改善漏尿? Is Kegel exercise effective to prevent incontinence?

杜婉瑜 Diane
7 min readDec 2, 2020







  1. 強化骨盆底,改善漏尿問題
  2. 增加臟器的支撐性,如:子宮、泌尿系統、消化系統
  3. 幫助增強核心肌群(示意圖)
  4. 避免核心肌群無力造成的不適,如:腰部疼痛、臀部疼痛等
  5. 在任何時刻和姿勢執行,因此非常便利且不需要任何器具
  6. 搭配日常動作,例如坐著、站著、走路等等一起做,讓肌肉的運用更融入生活
  7. 在懷孕期間做運動,幫助順產和減緩腰痠背痛



  1. 將會陰部(尿道及肛門處)像頭頂的方向提起,配合吐氣一起執行。(如下圖)
  2. 在下一個吸氣將肌肉放鬆。




  1. 很多人誤以為提肛是『夾屁股』或『夾大腿』的感覺,但這些動作其實沒有真正運用到骨盆底肌群。
  2. 做動作時常憋氣,或呼吸節奏沒有抓到。如果有這方面的困擾者,建議先從調整呼吸開始。
  3. 以為凱格爾運動只有『強化骨盆底肌』的功能,要越用力越好,但骨盆底『能屈能伸』才是這運動的精髓




We often hear “kegel exercise” help those who have problems with urine leakage or bowel control.
But what is “kegel exercise” anyway?
How is it done?
This article will give you the information you want to know.

What is kegel exercise?

Before learning about kegel exercise, we must know how the pelvic floor muscles function.
Pelvic floor muscles are at the very bottom of the pelvic outlet, which function as “protective sling” to make sure the organs are in the right place. Organs such as the uterus, cervix, intestines and bladder, etc would be out of place once the pelvic floor muscles do not provide enough support. Incontinence is one of the most evident symptoms.

The purpose of Kegel exercise is to enhance the support of pelvic floor muscles, increasing smooth contract-relax function.

Benefits of kegel exercise

  1. Improve muscle strength of the pelvic floor, decrease the chance of incontinence.
  2. Improve core muscle function .
  3. Prevent backache and low back pain.
  4. The exercise can be done in all positions and movement, without any equipment.
  5. The exercise can integrate with daily activities, such as sitting, standing, walking.
  6. It is safe to be done during pregnancy, which helps the delivery process.

How is Kegel exercise done?

You only need 2 steps!

  1. “Lift up” your perineum toward the head when breathing out.
  2. Relax when inhaling.

Integrate the exercise in your daily activities, such as driving, half squats, lunges and high knees.

Movement precautions

  1. Movement compensations such as “clench your butt” or “press your inner thighs” should be prevented.
  2. Holding your breath should be prevented. It is recommended that normal breathing patterns should be learned before kegel exercise.
  3. The purpose of Kegel exercise is to smoothly “contract” and “relax” your pelvic floor muscles instead of only contracting hard on the muscle.

Kegel exercise is different from other exercises because the movement is not visible on the outside. Some may find it hard to do it without instructors.

If there is someone you know who have problems with incontinence, advise them to seek their physiotherapist for more consultation.



杜婉瑜 Diane
杜婉瑜 Diane

Written by 杜婉瑜 Diane

醫骼運動物理治療所 創辦人 |桃園|脊椎矯正|產後運動|動作矯正專家NASM- CES

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