懷孕期間可以運動嗎? Physiotherapist’s guide on exercise do and don’ts during pregnancy
- 避免在室溫過高以及太陽下做運動
在醫學的角度上,若孕婦的體溫高於攝氏39度,容易使得胎兒中樞神經發育受影響。因此盡量避免大太陽下以及在高溫下進行運動,例如熱瑜珈、熱皮拉提斯。 - 不要持續站著不動
由於懷孕過程中媽咪們久站容易有低血壓而產生頭暈的狀況。因此在運動中場休息時須避免一直站著不動。建議可以原地踏步,轉轉腳踝,隨意抬抬腿,都可以改善循環不良的狀況。 - 避免長時間進行正躺運動
隨著時間,肚子會越來越大。因此躺著的時候孕媽咪常常會覺得肚子被壓得很重,壓到胸腔好難呼吸。可以嘗試將背部墊高並採半坐臥的姿勢進行,才不會一直覺得有壓迫感。 - 運動時禁止憋氣
5. 避免進行高跌倒風險運動
Exercise during pregnancy is encouraged by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Through modified exercise positions, moms can relief stress on your joints and back. It is also said to decrease the incidence of hypertension and preeclampsia which is harmful to the mom and baby.
There are some key points we should follow during exercise to prevent injury:
- Avoid exercising in high temperature environment, hot yoga or hot Pilates should be prohibited.
- Prevent stationary postures for a long time especially during exercise breaks. It is recommended to shuffle your feet or slowly turn your ankles to increase circulation.
- It is recommended to exercise in a propped up position rather than lying flat on the ground. In addition, prone exercises should be avoided during any pregnancy trimesters.
- Breathing normally is the most important element during exercise. Holding breath increases the risk of rectus diastases, in other words, the front part of the belly muscle separating apart because of unwanted pressure.
- Avoid high contact sports or high risk of falling activities, such as skiing, biking on the roadside and jumping up/ down the stairs. Anti-slipping foot wear are recommended.
The following are three exercises recommended for each trimester which are safe and easy to follow.
第一孕期(1–3 個月) — 腹式呼吸+凱格爾運動
First trimester (1–3 months of pregnancy) — abdominal breathing + Kegel exercise
Put both hands on your belly, inhale to send air inside the abdomen, exhale to let the air out. Draw in the pelvic muscle as you exhale. Slowly repeat for 1 minute and rest, do 5 repetitions. This exercise can be done under sitting, side lying or propped up position.
第二孕期(4–6個月) — 時鐘點地運動
Second trimester (4–6 months of pregnancy)— clock balance
Stand both feet shoulder width apart, put your weight on the right leg. Tap the left feet to the 12 o’clock direction, then to the 9 o’clock position, then to the 6 o’clock position. Repeat the exercise with the left side. Do 3 repetitions in total.
第三孕期 (7–9個月) — 蚌殼運動
Third trimester (7–9 months of pregnancy) — clam exercise
採側躺姿勢,雙腳膝蓋彎曲,單手枕在頭下,另一手放地板。將雙足靠攏,身體保持不動,將膝蓋向外打開如同蚌殼一般,爾後再慢慢放下。做此訓練時會感覺到兩側屁股酸酸的。反覆進行此動作10下後稍微休息。左右邊各做3 回合。
Lie on one side with both legs flexed, place the lower hand under your head; the upper hand in front of you. Place both legs together and form an “L” shape. Lift up your upper knee to the celling without moving your ankle or trunk, place your knee back to the lower knee. Repeat the exercise for 10 times and turn to the other side. Perform this exercise for 3 repetitions.
Be sure to consult your gynecologist to approve of new exercise routines.
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