懷孕媽媽體態大解析 Pregnancy and posture alterations


杜婉瑜 Diane
5 min readJul 1, 2020
Photo by Joey Thompson on Unsplash


The body changes drastically at different pregnancy trimesters. Postural changes can be affected by the gravid uterus, hormones, increased body weight and lifestyle changes. This article focuses on what posture malalignment can be a potential harm to your body.

頸部前傾 烏龜脖子 頭向後仰 Neck forward tilting, elevated chin


Progesterone and estrogen levels elevate during the second pregnancy trimester, which increase breast size. The cervical shifts forward and the head compensates in an elevated (chin up) position due to the changes of the center of gravity. Palpate the back of the neck, approximately around the collar (6 or 7 segments of the cervical spine), there is a great chance that the head and neck is malaligned if there is an evident bone protrusion.

Neck forward tilting and elevated chin may cause pain around the neck and upper back, headache and even upper limb numbness.

左方為正常圖示。右方顯示頸部前傾。There is significant forward head on the right picture.

駝背 胸椎過度前彎 Back slouching, thoracic kyphosis

圖中可看出明顯的駝背。The figure shows a significant thoracic kyphosis.

乳房重量與體積的增加直接影響到胸椎的位置。在懷孕前若已經有駝背習慣的女性,在懷孕後駝背或胸椎過度前彎的問題會更加明顯。在過去的研究指出,懷孕比非懷孕的女性的背部挺直肌群(trunk extensors)較為活躍,目的是要抗衡乳房和肚子的重量。而駝背者背部肌群需要更出力才能平衡整個身體。

Increased size and weight of the breasts directly influences the position of the thoracic spine. The displacement of the thoracic spine would worsen during pregnancy if slouching is a habit before pregnant. According to a previous study, there is an increase of trunk extensor muscle activity in pregnant women compared to the nulliparous. This adaptive response is to compensate the increase of anterior loads during pregnancy. In addition, the back extensor muscles would be in a more active state in those who have thoracic kyphosis.

Pregnant moms may have problems with upper back muscle tightness and pain in the middle of the scapula.

肋骨向上翻 Ribs out flare


In order to ‘correct’ thoracic kyphosis or slouched spine, some might have doubts about the right way of posture adjustment. Some often find themselves flaring the ribs instead of straightening the thoracic spine. This is due to the decreased mobility of the ribs which is related to wearing bra since puberty and poor postures. Malalignment of the ribs may change the placement of the diaphragm, which is crucial to normal breathing patterns and spinal stability.

Moms may experience chest tightness, hypoxia, drowsy, core muscle weakness and difficulty in maintaining your body in an upright position for a long time.

右圖為正常,左圖顯示肋骨向上翻。Ribs out flare is shown on the right figure, with an evident outward displacement.

腰椎前凸 Accentuated low back curvature, lumbar lordosis


Most women still work during pregnant, prolonged sitting, standing and carry weights are necessary in certain situations. Those who have small ones to care at home, holding children and carrying their necessities are needed. The increased anterior loads and external weight accentuate the low back curvature (lumbar lordosis), which place pressure on the lumbar spine. Core muscle, a trunk stabilizer, is weak in those with exaggerated lumbar lordosis. Without the help of core muscle providing support to the spine, ligaments and joints on the spine is compensated to act as stabilizers.

Low back pain is highly related to excessive lumbar lordosis. In worse conditions, some might suffer from lower limb numbness and heat due to nerve compression.

左圖示為正常。右圖顯示腰椎前凸,後方腰部曲線變得明顯。The right figure shows a significant anterior displacement of the lumbar spine.

骨盆前旋(傾)Pelvis forward tilting


The gravid uterus rotates the pelvis sagittally which puts the pelvic floor muscles, gluteal muscles and muscles around the thighs in a stretched position. The muscles may decrease in function and normal muscle tone. Urinary incontinence is highly associated with pelvic muscle weakness, while decreased gluteal muscles and thigh muscles is related to low back injuries. A previous study indicated that the trunk was more bent and knee flexion was significantly less for pregnant women during lifting objects up from a stool. This is possibly due to the weakened gluteal muscles and thigh muscles that do not provide proper function during activities.

Prolonged pelvic forward tilting result in problems such as incontinence, low back pain and thigh muscle weakness.

左圖示為正常。右圖顯示骨盆前傾,可以明顯看出骨盆上緣與地面非平行。The Right figure shows that the superior rim of the pelvis is unparalleled.

膝蓋向後頂 Back knee, genu recurvatum


Ligaments in the knees become loose during pregnancy, which induce hyperextended knees. In anatomy, it is thought as malalignment of the femur and the tibia. The knee joint, ligaments and cartilages are put under stress in this situation, while the muscles that support the knee joint decrease in function. This induces knee pain during increased physical activity or exercise.

Patellofemoral pain, patella tendon pain, medial/ lateral knee pain are the most common problems in those with back knee. Especially during squatting down and going up and down the stairs.

此張圖片可看出大腿與小腿的中線有一個明顯的夾角(灰色線),非呈一直線。There is a obtuse angle at the knee joint pointing towards the back (grey line) , which signifies back knee.

足部外翻 Flat feet, pronated feet


Flat feet during pregnancy is caused when the arch of the foot flattens out upon weight bearing or walking. Thus causing stress on the plantar fascia, ligaments and foot muscles leading to significant pain. When flat feet appears, there is a greater chance of altering knee alignment — knock knees. When standing up straight, the knees are close together but the foot stay apart. This adds stress to the knees, calf and ankle causing unwanted pain.

Pregnant moms may have symptoms such as medial calf pain, medial knee pain, patellofemoral pain, uneven foot pressure and plantar fasciitis.

足部外翻之人,從後方可以看到較多腳指頭(左腳),並且伴隨X型腿(灰色線)。In a flatfoot deformity (right foot), more of the little toe can be seen, with significant “knock knee” deformity.


如果您因為有這些現象而導致疼痛或痠痛,建議尋求醫師或物理治療師的幫忙。Please seek medical help if you have pain or problems related to the faulty postures mentioned above.



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Danna A, Magalhães AT, Silva BS, Duarte BS, Barros GL, Silva M, et al. Upright Balance Control Strategies During Pregnancy. Gait Posture. 2018 Oct;66:7–12.

Pardo F, Amo A, Rios MP, Gijon-Nogueron G, Yuste CC. Changes in Foot Posture During Pregnancy and Their Relation With Musculoskeletal Pain: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Women Birth. 2018 Apr;31(2):e84-8.

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杜婉瑜 Diane
杜婉瑜 Diane

Written by 杜婉瑜 Diane

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